Special Needs Dentistry

Pediatric Hospital Dentistry

Eliminate the trauma that may lead to a lifetime fear of dental treatment with hospital dentistry.

We are a board-certified Pediatric Dentist who holds hospital privileges at Christus St. Vincent several days each month. These privileges allow us to treat patients with dental phobia, major dental treatment, or developmental delays that require hospital-based dental work under general anesthesia.

If your child cannot receive dental care in a traditional dental office, our practice offers gentle and effective dental care to infants, children, and adolescents in the nurturing environment of our local hospital. As one of only a handful of pediatric dentists in the area who offer this unique service, we understand the needs of children who struggle to cooperate for safe dental treatment. Through hospital dentistry, you can eliminate the trauma that may lead to a lifetime fear of dental treatment in your child.

Is hospital dentistry right for my child?

Pediatric hospital dentistry services are ideal for:

  • Physically, emotionally, or developmentally challenged children who are unable to hold still for dental treatment
  • Children that have a sensitive gag reflex
  • Children with complex medical conditions that make it unsafe to receive dental care in an office setting
  • Children who have allergies to local anesthesia or experience difficulty achieving numbness

For these situations, general anesthesia may be the best option for your family.

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We truly care about your child’s health and happiness. Reach out to get your child’s appointment scheduled. We can’t wait to see you.

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